1. Today is Memorial Day. Happy Memorial Day. We should exchange presents on Memorial Day. Like small flags and medals of superlative honor or something. Is that dismissive?
2. I find Fleet Week to be an incredible occurrence. At once, women from all boroughs flock to the piers and pick up a few men in white. It's as if there's a city-wide vibration that channels all XXs(/some gentlemen too?) as the ship docks , and out from the woodwork they roam toward the water like zombies--arms extended, eyes rolled back in head, sans regard to pedestrian traffic laws. It's pretty amazing, and, I venture to guess, a dream come true for tired match.com users. Talk about easy.
3. I heart NJDMV.

4. Did you know that a cat this big is able to effectively attack and intimidate a dog like Rudy?
Enough about unimportant matters, pressing forward.
WARNING What you're about to read is nothing new. I am not professing to have unlocked the secretive mythology of American pop culture. I am merely pointing out my concerns in regard to pregnant women, celebrity and civilian.
I will inform you up front that I shall not dignify this post with pictures of the familiars: Angelina Jolie, Tori Spelling, Sandra Bullock, Gwen Stefani, my goodness the list goes on and on and on. In fact, I'm not going to post any pictures, which means you might lose interest, but, really, I'd rather look more like Atlantic Monthly than Us Weekly right about now.
*Newsflash* it's trendy to be pregnant! So, get goin! I once read this piece by this really articulate HIV+ man who was talking about unprotected sex and how gay men are always vilified for practicing "unsafe sex." He says something on the order of, "Well, why doesn't anyone say anything to pregnant women about that?" Oh, but, I get it. When a woman is pregnant, she gives life, therefore her actions (when they aren't abortion actions) fall in line with whatever secular beliefs America boasts. Oh, but wait! Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie aren't married, and even if they were, the expiration date for celebrity marriages is sooner than that of the quart of milk you've got in the fridge. Point: We (uh, American society and culture) usually condone pregnancy when the couple is able to support the child and care for it. Oh, but wait! White people, celebrities, other people of social and racial privilege can just slide right past that judgment. They have a kind of "Get out of Judgment Free" card that was given to them at birth (and me too, what the hell? I'm not separating myself from this here).
So here we are with a trend that goes against what our very very secular beliefs suggest. Okay, so, maybe 10 years ago celebrity culture was about having sex with everyone on the red carpet. Okay, so maybe it's still that way today but now we've got this seemingly narrow caveat that involves children. Hmm, I'd like to think that maybe celebrity culture embraces parenting, but it doesn't; it's just represented that way. Anyway, these celebrities, our American idols, pretty much govern what's hip and what isn't. The effects are especially noticeable in places like New York City. SO it seems that the 1970s women's liberation movement did, like, nothing in comparison to what all these saucy celebrities of familiar idolatry are doing for female empowerment. If Angelina can go and move to Africa and have two kids who were stolen, I mean, aren't white, and have a kid with some guy who is suddenly hideous, I CAN TOO!!!!!!
You might not be hearing from me for a while. I might be out looking for a few Asian children to adopt (GO MEG RYAN!!!!!) and getting pregnant. By anyone who is able. Like a sailor.
Have a nice holiday!
Ms. Bufanio,
I do need an update on what you are up to...
*e ;o)
Your are Excellent. And so is your site! Keep up the good work. Bookmarked.
Your are Excellent. And so is your site! Keep up the good work. Bookmarked.
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