working toward understanding
one another. making few promises
along the way.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Meme game.

That Talker's pretty swift. She's thanked me for something on her web via this "meme" (which, I'll have you know, is not really a word). Reflecting on the past year, speculating: what am I thankful for? Oh so many things!

Here, you think about this too. It's good to consider what we appreciate in our lives, what we give thanks for on days when there isn't a turkey on the table.

(I won't number them because this is not a hierarchy. If I could write these in a circle, I would. I am thankful for all these things relationally.)

Bird - she is one of the best friends I will ever have. I'm certain of it. I always hope to have her in my life.

Amy - another fantastic friend who understands me. Thank you for always listening and remembering.

My ex because I would have never ever EVER gone to Montana if it hadn't been for you. I am a changed person because of Montana, so, even though our relationship did not work out, I will always be grateful and indebted to you for helping me leave New York when it was essential I did just that. Also, thank you for helping me think I could attend graduate school and succeed with writing. And thank you for trying to love me when you did.

AmeriCorps - because I was able to become a part of the lives of so many amazing people. Without AmeriCorps, I may have never realized some of my deepest, most important passions.

Hellgate High School - the WHOLE school. Students, staff, everyone. I am a more accomplished person today than I was before I set foot in that incredible high school.

Missoula, MT - I am freer and more aware of who I am because of Missoula.

"Grandma" - I am thankful for all the times you listen to me, laugh with me, read and critique my work, for introducing me to your amazing husband (who is actually one of my favorite people) and inviting me into your lives. Thank you so much. Irreplaceable. I still think you're my mentor and I still want you to be my editor.

Lisa Waller - you are an amazing person. You've opened up my eyes to so many things. Thank you for facilitating my growth. I miss you every day. Thank you for making time for me when you did. And it's Michelle, not Naomi, not Nicole.

Talker - well, if you've been paying any attention, you can see why I'd thank her. Thank you for thinking of me.

Janet Marek - because you are amazing and I learn so much from you. Because I think you're one of my favorite parts of Hellgate, of Missoula, of Montana, of my life.

Monica Roscoe - because you are an incredible listener and it was so nice to meet a kindred spirit in a foreign place. I know I can always pick up the phone and call you and have a three hour conversation, like, right now.

Louise - because you have helped me realize that I can really do this. I don't know if I've ever felt this supported in something before. I know you won't read this, so I'll thank you in an e-mail. I am very grateful.

That's all folks! (It isn't. I'm grateful for other people, things. This is all for now.)

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